Posts about insulated bearings:

(function () { if (window.dataLayer) { // Function to store consent data in localStorage function storeConsent(consentData) { try { localStorage.setItem('consentData', JSON.stringify(consentData)); } catch (e) { console.warn('Error storing consent data in localStorage:', e); } } // Function to retrieve consent data from localStorage function getStoredConsent() { try { const consentData = localStorage.getItem('consentData'); return consentData ? JSON.parse(consentData) : null; } catch (e) { console.warn('Error retrieving consent data from localStorage:', e); return null; } } // Set default consent states when the page is loaded (before user interaction) window.dataLayer.push({ event: "default", ad_storage: "denied", ad_user_data: "denied", ad_personalization: "denied", analytics_storage: "denied", functionality_storage: "denied", // User must opt-in personalization_storage: "denied", security_storage: "granted" // Always granted for necessary cookies }); // Listen for user interactions and update consent document.addEventListener("click", function (event) { var dataLayerUpdate = {}; if ( === "hs-eu-confirmation-button") { // Accept All Button dataLayerUpdate = { event: "consentUpdate", ad_storage: "granted", ad_user_data: "granted", ad_personalization: "granted", analytics_storage: "granted", functionality_storage: "granted", personalization_storage: "granted", security_storage: "granted" }; // Store the consent in localStorage storeConsent({ ad_storage: "granted", ad_user_data: "granted", ad_personalization: "granted", analytics_storage: "granted", functionality_storage: "granted", personalization_storage: "granted", security_storage: "granted" }); } if ( === "hs-eu-reject-button") { // Reject All Button dataLayerUpdate = { event: "consentUpdate", ad_storage: "denied", ad_user_data: "denied", ad_personalization: "denied", analytics_storage: "denied", functionality_storage: "denied", personalization_storage: "denied", security_storage: "granted" }; // Store the consent in localStorage storeConsent({ ad_storage: "denied", ad_user_data: "denied", ad_personalization: "denied", analytics_storage: "denied", functionality_storage: "denied", personalization_storage: "denied", security_storage: "granted" }); } if (Object.keys(dataLayerUpdate).length > 0) { window.dataLayer.push(dataLayerUpdate); console.log("Consent updated via Google Consent Mode:", dataLayerUpdate); } }); // If there's stored consent, push it to the dataLayer on page load var storedConsent = getStoredConsent(); if (storedConsent) { // Push the stored consent to the dataLayer if available window.dataLayer.push({ event: "consentUpdate", ad_storage: storedConsent.ad_storage, ad_user_data: storedConsent.ad_user_data, ad_personalization: storedConsent.ad_personalization, analytics_storage: storedConsent.analytics_storage, functionality_storage: storedConsent.functionality_storage, personalization_storage: storedConsent.personalization_storage, security_storage: storedConsent.security_storage }); console.log("Stored consent data pushed to dataLayer:", storedConsent); } else { console.log("No consent data found in localStorage."); } } })();