A key goal of modern HVAC systems is to eliminate energy wasted on overheating or overcooling areas of a building. Matching heating/cooling capacity to load can yield tremendous energy efficiency gains and dramatically reduce building energy costs.
And a key tool in this quest is the variable frequency But while VFDs provide significant energy savings in HVAC applications, they can also damage motors. VFDs create voltage on the shafts of the motors they control. This voltage can discharge to ground by arcing through the motor bearings, causing pitting in the bearings' ultra-smooth bearing race. This damage accumulates over time, and leads to To protect VFD-driven motors from electrical bearing damage, effective long-term bearing protection is needed. As proven in millions of installations worldwide, AEGIS® Shaft Grounding Rings channel harmful voltage discharges away from bearings and safely to ground, protecting motor bearings for their full L-10 life. AEGIS® protection is available in solid rings for installation before motors are put into service and in split rings for fast, easy field installation on coupled in-service motors. AEGIS® uKITs include an AEGIS® Ring (solid or split) and a set of mounting brackets that speed and simplify installation on motors with shaft shoulders, slingers, or other end bell protrusions. But by far the easiest way to protect motors from VFD-induced bearing damage is to buy them new with AEGIS® Rings factory-installed. So don't let motor repair and replacement costs eat up the energy cost savings that VFDs provide. Protect your motors from VFD bearing damage with AEGIS® Bearing Protection Rings. To download a copy of our White Paper on protecting HVAC motors from electrical bearing damage, click here. For more information on AEGIS® Rings and uKITs, click here. The AEGIS® website has a section devoted to the manufacturers who offer AEGIS® Rings factory installed in their motors: AEGIS® OEM Pages. To download our Bearing Protection Handbook of best practices for diagnosing and preventing VFD-caused bearing damage, click here. |