Sample Blog 7

hockey_dreamstime_s_13656499We talk a lot in the pages of this blog about different applications that can benefit from controlling electric motors with variable frequency drives (VFDs).  From the deepest mines to the stratosphere and beyond, their applications are endless.  In this post, we will be looking at three winter/cold weather-specific uses of VFDs.

#1: HVAC

In fairness, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning use VFDs year-round.  But heating is a big one in cold weather - literally hundreds of millions of lives depend on reliable heating in the winter.  And VFDs can save huge amounts of energy by running motors only as fast as necessary.  VFDs can be used to control the motors driving:

  • Fans for ventilation, forced hot air, and heat exchangers
  • Pumps for circulating heat-exchanging fluids
  • Compressors, an integral part of heat pump design (along with fans and circulation pumps)

#2: Indoor Skating Rinks

What would winter be without hockey?  Just as cold, but a lot drearier.

VFDs can be used to drive the refrigerating systems that maintain the ice.  Pumps and compressors can run more efficiently on VFD, leading to big savings.

#3: Snowmakingski-snowmakers

When natural snowfall is insufficient, ski areas and other outdoor recreational areas supplement it with man-made snow.  Snowmaking machines use pumps and compressors to produce winter wonderlands, and as above, these machines can be run more efficiently with VFDs.

These are just a few seasonal applications of variable frequency drives.  But regardless of the weather or season, all motors controlled by variable frequency drives should be protected against premature bearing failure with AEGIS® Shaft Grounding Rings.  Drives can cause electrical bearing damage to the systems they control, and premature motor failure can easily wipe out all the energy savings they allow.

AEGIS rings come with a 2-Year Extended Warranty against bearing fluting damage. No other form of protection against VFD-caused bearing damage offers a warranty like this.